FamilySearch center

Kayenta Arizona FamilySearch Center


Hwy 163 N of 160
Kayenta, AZ 86033


TEXT your name and phone number to Sister Adamson (801) 388-4341 for an appointment. We have two computers, so we can accept up to 2 appointments for each hour we are open. Enter through the South doors.


  • Spoken Languages: English
  • Computers
  • Printer

More about this location

The address listed will NOT get you to our center. From the center of Kayenta's main stop light, go north on Highway 163 till you get to the first stop light. Turn left. At the top of the hill there is a left turn you will take. The Church is on your left. The second dirt driveway takes you to the Church. Park on the south side and ring the buzzer above and to the right of the south door to be admitted.

What is a FamilySearch center like?

FamilySearch centers are found in many types of buildings, like churches or libraries. They are open to the public and offer access to exclusive records and complimentary access to technology. Staff are trained to help you research and make family discoveries.
A woman receiving help from a volunteer at a FamilySearch center.