Please contact Craig Noorlander (FSC Coordinator) at 505-281-7851 to set up a different appointment time than listed.: Additional Times Available By Appointment
Ngaahi Ngāué
ʻŪ Komipiutá
Ngaahi aʻusia ki he fekumí
ʻŪ tohi pe lekooti fakalotofonua
Ngaahi Fika ʻo e Maikolofilimí
Scanner ki he tatau ʻo e laʻitaá
Scanner ki he laʻitaá
Mīsini Pākí
Ngaahi kalasi ka hokó
Maps, Tracts, and Land Records Treasures of Family History Information
February 26, 2025 | 10:30
Explore the treasure found in maps, tracts, and land records where information on your family could be buried.
ʻOku fēfē ha senitā FamilySearch?
ʻOku maʻu e ngaahi senitā FamilySearch ʻi ha ngaahi fale kehekehe, hangē ko e ngaahi ʻapisiasí pe laipelí. ʻOku ʻatā ia ki he kakaí pea ʻe lava ke maʻu ai ha ngaahi lekooti mo lava ʻo fakaʻaongaʻi e tekinolosiá. ʻOku ʻosi akoʻi e kau ngāué ke tokoniʻi koe ʻi hoʻo fekumí ke ʻiloʻi e fāmilí.