Centru FamilySearch

Round Rock Texas FamilySearch Center



8140 Racine Trail
Austin, TX 78717


From our volunteer family to yours, Happy New Year!!! We will be closed 12/31/2024 & 1/1/2025 to observe New Years. We reopen 1/7/2025.


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  • Cititor de microfilme
  • scanner de fotografii negative
  • Photo scanner
  • imprimantă

Clase următoare

How do the premium websites at the FamilySearch Center help my research?
March 26, 2025 | 11:00
We will take a quick peek together at all the different websites that will add to your research whether it is American ancestral lines or overseas. There are even sites that can help you find additional information about your american ancestors or areas they may have lived in.
How to make genealogy research more visual so it works for you
May 27, 2025 | 18:30
Make FamilySearch research work for you, the visual learner or easy visual tactics for research. We will discuss how fan chart can more easily help you quickly assess where to work on your tree, etc.
Is becoming a pro-genealogist possible? Do I need it?
July 29, 2025 | 18:30

Cum este un centru FamilySearch?

Centrele FamilySearch se găsesc în multe tipuri de clădiri, cum ar fi biserici sau biblioteci. Ele sunt deschise publicului și oferă acces la înregistrări exclusive și acces gratuit la echipamente tehnice. Personalul este instruit pentru a te ajuta să faci cercetări și să faci descoperiri despre familie.
O femeie primind ajutor de la un voluntar la un centru FamilySearch.