FamilySearch centrs

Round Rock Texas FamilySearch Center


8140 Racine Trail
Austin, TX 78717

Darba laiks

We will be closed 2/19/25 due to possible icy patches during this Arctic Storm. We apologize for any inconvenience. We will reopen Tuesday, 2/25/25 for regular hours.


  • Datori
  • Chromebook datori
  • Atklājumu pieredzes
  • Vietējās grāmatas vai ieraksti
  • Mikrofilmu lasītājs
  • Foto negatīvu skeneris
  • Fotoattēlu skeneris
  • Printeris

Gaidāmās nodrabības

How do the premium websites at the FamilySearch Center help my research?
March 26, 2025 | 11:00
We will take a quick peek together at all the different websites that will add to your research whether it is American ancestral lines or overseas. There are even sites that can help you find additional information about your american ancestors or areas they may have lived in.
How to make genealogy research more visual so it works for you
May 27, 2025 | 18:30
Make FamilySearch research work for you, the visual learner or easy visual tactics for research. We will discuss how fan chart can more easily help you quickly assess where to work on your tree, etc.
Is becoming a pro-genealogist possible? Do I need it?
July 29, 2025 | 18:30

Kā izskatās FamilySearch centrs?

FamilySearch centri ir izvietoti dažādās ēkās, piemēram, baznīcās un bibliotēkās. Tie ir publiski pieejami, piedāvā piekļuvi unikāliem ierakstiem un nodrošina bezmaksas piekļuvi tehnoloģijām. Darbinieki ir apmācīti, lai palīdzētu jums veikt izpēti un atklāt ģimenes vēsturi.
Sieviete saņem palīdzību no brīvprātīgā FamilySearch centrā.