FamilySearch centrs

St Johns Arizona FamilySearch Center


50 North 1st West
St Johns, AZ 85936

Darba laiks

Open Sundays BY APPOINTMENT ONLY; 1st and 2nd Wednesdays: Youth Groups by appointment; 3rd and 4th Wednesdays: Training - 6 to 8 p.m.


  • Spoken Languages: English
  • Computers
  • Local books or records
  • Photo scanner
  • Printer

Gaidāmās nodrabības

Cleaning Up Your Family Tree: First Things First
January 15, 2025 | 19:00
This is the first class in our series of "Cleaning Up Your Family Tree." The focus of this class is to help you leave a clean and correct copy of your family tree for your posterity. What needs to be checked? What needs to be analyzed? Computers are available at the Center to practice what you learn in the class on Family Search. Class length is one hour.

Kā izskatās FamilySearch centrs?

FamilySearch centri ir izvietoti dažādās ēkās, piemēram, baznīcās un bibliotēkās. Tie ir publiski pieejami, piedāvā piekļuvi unikāliem ierakstiem un nodrošina bezmaksas piekļuvi tehnoloģijām. Darbinieki ir apmācīti, lai palīdzētu jums veikt izpēti un atklāt ģimenes vēsturi.
Sieviete saņem palīdzību no brīvprātīgā FamilySearch centrā.