Centro FamilySearch

Frederick Maryland FamilySearch Center



199 North Pl
Frederick, MD 21701


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  • Spoken Languages: English
  • Computers
  • Local books or records
  • Printer

Prossimi corsi

Where There's a Will, there's FamilySearch!
September 26, 2024 | 19:00
Virtual Zoom Lecture- The FamilySearch Catalog is full of untapped treasures, especially wills and probate records.  Join us to navigate records that have not been indexed but are still just as accessible if you know the way. Email wrsparks54@hotmail.com for Zoom link.
What do you mean there was a fire? Working Around the 1890 Census
October 24, 2024 | 19:00
Virtual Zoom Lecture- The fire that destroyed the vast majority of the 1890 census, of course, severely impacts late 19th century family history research.  While there is no replacing the census, we will discuss other source types that may help fill in some of the void of where your people were and what were they doing between 1880 and 1900. Email wrsparks54@hotmail.com to receive Zoom link.

Com’è un centro FamilySearch?

I centri FamilySearch si trovano in molti tipi di edifici, come chiese o biblioteche. Sono aperti al pubblico e offrono accesso a documenti esclusivi, assieme a tecnologie gratuite. Il personale è addestrato per aiutarti a fare ricerche e scoperte sulla tua famiglia.
Donna che riceve aiuto da un volontario presso un centro FamilySearch.