Centro FamilySearch

Aurora Colorado FamilySearch Center



950 Laredo St
Aurora, CO 80011



  • Spoken Languages: English
  • Computers
  • Local books or records
  • Printer

Prossimi corsi

FamilySearch Family Tree
October 11, 2024 | 19:00

We will discuss the Landscape, Portrait, Fan, Descendancy, and First Ancestors views -- what they tell us, and how they can be used to assist you in your research. Classes are via Zoom from September 2024 thru May 2025. Interested in attending: Send email to CO_Aurora@FamilyHistoryMail.Org

Temple and Family History Consultant Training Oppurtunity
October 13, 2024 | 19:00
TBA This is a Zoom only session. If you have not received a link a few days prior to the session, pls send a request to attend session to: CO_Aurora@FamilyHistoryMail.Org
FamilySearch - Search via Records
November 08, 2024 | 19:00

We will look at how to use and filter our searches for records. Classes are via ZOOM from September 2024 thru May 2025. Interested in attending: Send email to CO_Aurora@FamilyHistoryMail.Org

Com’è un centro FamilySearch?

I centri FamilySearch si trovano in molti tipi di edifici, come chiese o biblioteche. Sono aperti al pubblico e offrono accesso a documenti esclusivi, assieme a tecnologie gratuite. Il personale è addestrato per aiutarti a fare ricerche e scoperte sulla tua famiglia.
Donna che riceve aiuto da un volontario presso un centro FamilySearch.