Centro FamilySearch

Meeteetse Wyoming FamilySearch Center



1716 Hayes Ave
Meeteetse, WY 82433


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  • Spoken Languages: English
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Prossimi corsi

Pioneer Day
July 25, 2024 | 19:00
This month we celebrate Pioneer Day on July 24, so we will have a pioneer theme and talk about what is available at the Church History Library - "Early Mormon Missionaries" database and "Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel" database. The Sons / Daughters of Utah Pioneers have lots of information about early utah settlers. And did you know that the church performed a church census periodically?

Com’è un centro FamilySearch?

I centri FamilySearch si trovano in molti tipi di edifici, come chiese o biblioteche. Sono aperti al pubblico e offrono accesso a documenti esclusivi, assieme a tecnologie gratuite. Il personale è addestrato per aiutarti a fare ricerche e scoperte sulla tua famiglia.
Donna che riceve aiuto da un volontario presso un centro FamilySearch.