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"Exploring the Person Page on FamilySearch"
March 04, 2025 | 19:00
Come and discover the wealth of information already available in FamilySearch to help you become better acquainted with your ancestors. Maybe you will even find leads to other relatives who have been hiding.
"How to Better Use Your Computer to do Family History Work"
March 13, 2025 | 19:00
Are you interested in learning to take a certain picture on your computer and adding it to FamilySearch, how to use PDF files in doing family history work, how to attach sources to more than one person in a few minutes, how to take pictures and documents off you computer and put them on your flash drive, etc.? If so, please come and join us for this fun class.
"Swedish Research"
March 19, 2025 | 19:00
This month we will be continuing in our search to find our ancestors.
Seperti apa pusat FamilySearch itu?
Pusat FamilySearch ditemukan di banyak jenis bangunan, seperti gereja atau perpustakaan. Itu terbuka untuk umum dan menawarkan akses pada catatan eksklusif dan akses gratis pada teknologi. Staf dilatih untuk membantu Anda meriset dan membuat penemuan keluarga.