FamilySearchi keskus

Knoxville Tennessee FamilySearch Center


400 Kendall Rd NW
Knoxville, TN 37919-6803



  • Arvutid
  • Chromebook sülearvutid
  • Avastamise kogemused
  • Kohalikud raamatud või ülestähendused
  • Mikrofilmi lugeja
  • Fotonegatiivi skanner
  • Foto skanner
  • Printer

Eelseisvad klassid

What's In a Name
February 18, 2025 | 19:00
Once you have a name of an ancestor, what do you do with it? How do you find out their story? How does learning their story help define you? Come discuss these and other questions in this year's classes about digging deeper into understanding your heritage. Different topics each month.
Sir Merge and His Tag-a-Long
March 18, 2025 | 19:00
Once you have a name of an ancestor, what do you do with it? How do you find out their story? How does learning their story help define you? Come discuss these and other questions in this year's classes about digging deeper into understanding your heritage. Different topics each month.

Milline FamilySearchi keskus välja näeb?

FamilySearchi keskused asuvad mitmesugustes hoonetes, nagu kirikud ja raamatukogud. Need on kõikidele avatud ja pakuvad ligipääsu eksklusiivsetele ülestähendustele ja tasuta ligipääsu tehnoloogiale. Personali on koolitatud aitama teil oma perekonna kohta uurida ja avastusi teha.
Naine saab FamilySearchi keskuses vabatahtlikult abi.