FamilySearch center

Caswell North Carolina FamilySearch Center


1401 Rascoe Dameron Rd
Burlington, NC 27217-8437


Please call before visiting the center (336) 510-3834. If these hours are not convenient for you we can schedule another time for you to come in. Must use Zip Code when using your GPS. : Additional Times Available By Appointment


  • Spoken Languages: French,Malagasy
  • Computers
  • Chromebooks
  • Discovery experiences
  • Local books or records
  • Microfilm reader
  • Photo negative scanner
  • Photo Scanner
  • Printer

More about this location

The Caswell FamilySearch Center is located inside the church building of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We have a Burlington address but we preside in the Anderson Township area of Caswell County. If using your GPS please include the zip code. When looking at the church from the road, our Center is located on the righthand side of the building. We look forward to seeing you.

What is a FamilySearch center like?

FamilySearch centers are found in many types of buildings, like churches or libraries. They are open to the public and offer access to exclusive records and complimentary access to technology. Staff are trained to help you research and make family discoveries.
A woman receiving help from a volunteer at a FamilySearch center.