Våren 2024 er senteret åpent kl 18-20 følgende onsdager: 10. januar, 24. januar, 7. februar, 6. mars og 20. mars.
Spoken Languages: French,Malagasy
Discovery experiences
Local books or records
Microfilm reader
Photo negative scanner
Photo Scanner
More about this location
Det er stor parkeringsplass utenfor kirkebygget.
For å komme til senteret går man helt innerst i gangen og ned trappen. Senteret er inn døren til høyre når man har gått ned trappen.
What is a FamilySearch center like?
FamilySearch centers are found in many types of buildings, like churches or libraries. They are open to the public and offer access to exclusive records and complimentary access to technology. Staff are trained to help you research and make family discoveries.