FamilySearch center

Aurora Colorado FamilySearch Center


950 Laredo St
Aurora, CO 80011



  • Spoken Languages: English
  • Computers
  • Local books or records
  • Printer

Kommende klasser

FamilySearch Family Tree
October 11, 2024 | 19:00

We will discuss the Landscape, Portrait, Fan, Descendancy, and First Ancestors views -- what they tell us, and how they can be used to assist you in your research. Classes are via Zoom from September 2024 thru May 2025. Interested in attending: Send email to CO_Aurora@FamilyHistoryMail.Org

Temple and Family History Consultant Training Oppurtunity
October 13, 2024 | 19:00
TBA This is a Zoom only session. If you have not received a link a few days prior to the session, pls send a request to attend session to: CO_Aurora@FamilyHistoryMail.Org
FamilySearch - Search via Records
November 08, 2024 | 19:00

We will look at how to use and filter our searches for records. Classes are via ZOOM from September 2024 thru May 2025. Interested in attending: Send email to CO_Aurora@FamilyHistoryMail.Org

Hvordan er det på et FamilySearch-center?

FamilySearch-center findes i mange slags bygninger, såsom kirker eller biblioteker. De er åbne for offentligheden og giver adgang til eksklusive optegnelser og gratis adgang til teknologi. Medarbejdere er trænet til at hjælpe dig med at forske og gøre opdagelser i din slægt.
En kvinde, der modtager hjælp fra en frivillig på et FamilySearch-center.